Over 3.5 Million in Medical Debt Wiped Out for 4,450 Individuals Across 72 Counties in Illinois! Thank You 2023 Campaign Partners First Baptist Church Bloomington & RIP Medical Debt.

Medical Bill & Claim Resolution
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Getting Slammed with
a Massive Medical Bill Can Be Shocking!

Especially if you have insurance, and perhaps paid the expected patient balance. You thought your insurance covered your emergency care, dentist appointment, cancer treatment, newborn birth, medical prescription…your medical expenses, period! How come you’re being asked to pay tens of thousands of dollars?
So, you spend hundreds of frustrating hours on the phone talking to your doctor and the insurance company. When all you want to do is rest and recuperate from your health condition, or spend time with your newborn or elderly parent. But, after all the back and forth, there’s no significant headway.
The doctor’s office may not have the resources to help and the insurance company sends you back to the healthcare provider. You are stuck in the middle - holding the outstanding balance. You don’t even understand why the charges are what they are. All the codes and numbers are so confusing. No one will give you a clear answer, let alone find a solution that saves you from paying an unexpected medical bill.
Common Medical Bill Errors
That Lead to a Surprise Medical Bill
This means that the enormous bill you received may be due to an error. You’ve likely been overbilled due to duplicate charges, incorrect coding, and simple data entry errors like numbers reversed. It could also be that your documents were improperly filed or processed, or your insurance company is denying your claim due to a technicality.
Patient Data Error
A typographical error may have occurred when your information is being encoded or benefits verified. So, your information or the medical service you received may be mistakenly for another individual with your same name for services you did not have.

Coding Errors
The medical service you got may have been miscoded, resulting in being charged for another service. For instance, you may be charged for a major medical procedure when you only had a routine checkup due to the codes’ similarity or coding entry error.
Duplicate Charges
You may have been charged for the same medical service twice, either due to a computer glitch or human error when the charges were being entered. Double charges may also occur with a service that has different codes.

Canceled Tests
You may have been billed for a procedure or test that you or your doctor requested to be canceled. This may occur because your doctor didn’t withdraw the test request or forgot to report that the procedure was canceled.
Out of Network Service
In some cases, the insurance company may decline to pay your medical bill because you got the service from an out-of-network doctor. It may also be that your insurance does not cover the medical service you received.